So, haven't posted anything is quite a while... I've been quite uninspired in the kitchen and all of the new recipes I tried failed miserably. So I gave up for a little bit. I'd like to think it happens to everyone, once in a while... right?
I will be back soon with a recipe, but I just wanted to share a little about greens. I've been trying to eat more dark, leafy greens and I'm sure you guys could do the same, so here is some greeny info and some links to delicious recipes that will help you increase your green intake!
One of my favourite ways to get the greens in is to put them into a smoothie. You can pack in a huge handful of spinach and you won't even taste it! A quick google search for 'green smoothie' with leave you with tons of recipes... but if you don't want to look anything up, just add spinach or kale to your favourite smoothie to get another serving in!
Here are a few smoothie links, for you lazy ones out there.
Superfood green smoothie
Tropical green smoothie
Spicy vegetable green smoothie
Hemp n' kale smoothie (scroll down to find it)
Cake batter green smoothie
Peppermint patty green smoothie
All dark, leafy greens are very high sources of vitamins K and A and are good sources of vitamin C and are a source of complex B vitamins. They all contain cancer fighting phyto-nutrients and minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc. Greens are low in calories, high in fiber and can aid in controlling cholesterol. Plenty o' reasons to eat up!

Here is a recipe for collard greens with julienned carrots from Foods for Long Life

Kale is similar to collard greens and also related to cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts. There two main varieties - curly and Tuscan (or dinosaur) which has flatter leaves and is excellent raw. The curly variety contains more vitamin C than Tuscan. Did you know that your body absorbs almost twice as much calcium from kale than it does from cow's milk?! Leave that milk for the baby cows!
Here is a sauteed kale with caramelized onions recipe from The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen
This curried lentil and kale soup from Living Without magazine looks delish
Hearty kale soup from Whole body detox diet is really good and filling

My favourite summer spinach salad is very simple to put together. Baby spinach leaves, blueberries, strawberries, cucumber, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds and if you can tolerate it, goat cheese or feta. Mix up a dressing that is 1 part olive oil, 1 part balsamic vinegar and 1 part maple syrup and drizzle it over top.
I love Mama Pea's spinach salad shaker

Swiss Chard is a member of the beet family. There are different varieties, based of the colour of the stalk - green, red, and multicolour (white, pink, orange, yellow, purple). Chard is also a very good source of iron - 100g gives you almost 23% of your RDI.
Here is my recipe for swiss chard with rosemary
I want to try this swiss chard pie from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen (contains soy)
So there you have it. Four dark leafy greens to choose from and plenty of recipes!!!
Eat up everybody!