Friday, 5 August 2011

Cherry Crisp

Hello lovely people!

This afternoon was a long one and I think I deserve a little time sitting with my feet up and writing a post! I just spend 4 hours in the kitchen prepping, chopping and cooking three different versions of dinner for my family. I haven't even tackled the dishes yet... that will be at least another hour! Gah! Cooking for the 6 of us is a huge challenge. Sometimes I just want to throw in the towel and order pizza but even that doesn't help! Four out of 6 are allowed pizza. Tonight's dinner was something simple, you'd think, pasta! Love it! But I have to make meat sauce for J and the kids and veggie sauce for me. Also wheat pasta for J, the girls and Boy1 and rice pasta for Boy2 and myself. Today I went crazy and made pasta bakes in a effort to get some of the dishes done before dinner was served. I think I made a small dent... But I had to make 3 pasta bakes... meat+wheat+cheddar, meat+rice+daiya and veggie+rice+daiya. Thank goodness there are leftovers!!! My sauce was lovely. I've been trying to eat more veggies that I don't like or haven't given myself a chance to like. Mushrooms are one. But I diced 'em up small along with red and green peppers, yellow zucchini and broccoli stems (the rest of the broccoli I blanched and served along side dinner) and the sauce was yummy! I don't really know what to do with the rest of the mushrooms but I'll figure something out.

I bought a ginormous bucket of pitted tart cherries at Loblaws on quicksale (50% off) for $11!!!! Talk about a steal! I've loaded up the freezer with bags for smoothies (they make an awesome smoothie along with banana, spinach and a splash of pom juice!) I figured I'd better do some baking with the rest!

Cherry Crisp

5 c tart cherries, pitted (thawed and drained if using frozen)
1/2 - 3/4 c agave nectar (depending on how tart your cherries are)
3 tbsp arrowroot starch or cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp almond extract (optional)
1/2 tsp salt


1 c Namaste perfect flour blend
1 c gluten free oats
1/2 c coconut sugar or sucanat
1/4 c coconut flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 c coconut oil, melted

Preheat oven to 350.
In a large bowl combine cherries and agave. Sprinkle arrowroot over top and stir well. Add in extracts and salt and combine. Pour into a large baking dish.
In a medium bowl combine flours, oats, sugar and salt. Pour oil in a little at a time, tossing after each addition. Once its all added you should have a crumby mixture and no dry flour.
Pour crumbs over the cherry mixture.
Bake for 35-40 minutes until bubbling and golden brown.

*tap tap*
Is this thing on?!
If you enjoy reading my blog, I'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment! :)


  1. Maybe make one and just tell everyone you made all different. Wheat free and veggie never hurt anybody!

  2. Oh trust me, if it were that easy I'd be doing it!!! J is extreemely picky. The kids gladly eat rice pasta but I've got to make wheat anyway. They are also pretty good at eating raw veggies but don't like veggie tomato sauce. *sigh*
    Thanks for your comment! :) Now go make some cherry crisp!

  3. gah. and I thought I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. You are one amazing woman.

  4. LOL thanks tish... you could make this recipe with whole wheat flour prolly.
