Thursday, 21 April 2011

What a Morning

Hey friends.
So, last week J and I were talking about what fun things we could do with the kiddos while he's got this time off. We've got two more weeks before his job hunt intensifies and he really starts pushing Students for Justice. So we decided on Fantasy Fair at the Woodbine Centre. Girl1 has been there once when she was small ('I thought that was a dream!!!' she said after seeing the website!) and the rest of them have never been there. Then, magically, WagJag posted a coupon for a $55 family pass for $20! Awesome. Mind you, the family pass is for 4 so we still have to buy regular passes but what a deal to help out! The deal ended yesterday and I'm supposed to get an email with the coupon. But the coupon hasn't come through yet... So have have 4 restless and disappointed punks over here! We let them 'sleep in' this morning - which basically means they sleep for 10 minutes longer then they would on a school day. Crazies. They have been fighting all morning and Boy2 jumped off of the coffee table square onto Girl2's chest resulting in crying and a time out. That kid is nuts. I was glad to get in the shower to get away from the chaos for a bit! Needless to say they all need to get out of the house and do something! We've decided on Chuck E Cheese... should be fun. I guess I need to pack a bunch of snacks for B2 and me 'cause there won't be anything there that either of us can eat!
I hope to post a recipe tomorrow. I'll be making another batch of Butternut Squash Risotto to bring to Mum and Dads for Easter dinner. I know ya'll want the recipe! :) I'll also be making some kind of dessert so I'll probably post that as well.
Enjoy your Thursday peoples.

UPDATE - I finished writing the post and *ding* email from WagJag with the coupon!!! We might end up at Fantasy Fair after all! :)

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